specialise in Delivery
Ted Yeoman
Previous experience
- Building Society Management
- Royal Air Force Officer
- Sales Representative
- Pharmaceutical Sales Executive
- Medical Sales Executive
- Nutritional Support Sales Representative
- Clinical Governance Tutor
- Service Improvement Manager
- Project Manager
- Change Consultant
- Simultaneous changes to
antibiotics policies at neighbouring hospitals
- Facilitating the creation of Wound Care Policies for the
benefit of organisations, staff and patients
- Project Managing the
changes and the development of
new process to support a new hospital
supplementary feeding regime
- Developing and delivering a successful
training course for people wanting to develop
careers in Clinical Governance and other quality disciplines
- Supporting and facilitating an integrate
change programme in a PCT Children's Services
- Delivering
computers to the bed side in a major Foundation Trust
- Delivering a first Go - live for a primary care
Electronic Prescription Service
- Supporting the
delivery programme for a major realignment of Community Services management
- Commissioning
new services for patients with respiratory illness
- Redesign,
Turnaround and Interim
Management of an international holiday business
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